St Albans install 400 staff relocation.
L&TA group attended the first site visit when the building was just a shell.
No internal works had begun but we were invited to be on site to offer any advice
On proposed room sizes, floor power locations and planning.
The 400 staff where being relocated from dated offices over the road.
Due to recent events over the last 2 years with staff having to work from home and to future proof their new offices the company wanted to provide a working environment that was based on agile working.
Sixty percent standard desking the other forty percent to provide touch down areas where staff can attend at times to suit themselves.
For the desk`s we provided a beam system set up fitted with sliding tops for ease of access to the fitted tray power.
In addition to this all desk`s were fitted with desk top power modules to allow for staff to charge any personal or work-related devices.
The last two desk`s at the end of each row where double electric height adjustable units for staff that wished to work in a sitting or standing position.
Each desk had robust fully adjustable double monitor arms fitted to take the weight of two monitors and attached docking stations.
As is the way forward no staff can lay claim to any one desk, we provided staff lockers made to a specific size with a shelf and steel tray of a size that would fit the company laptops.
Staff take the tray from the locker and find an empty desk to work before returning their items back to their locker leaving a tidy desk available for use.
In order for this to work we had to supply a one fit all type of operator chair that had the correct adjustments to accommodate each member of staff.
For agile work spaces we were asked by the companies in house designers to create link degree desk units that where far from being off the shelf items.
Working with our manufacturers Elite office furniture we manufactured units that was linked together but fitted with castors meaning they could be un linked and rolled into any location within the office should they wish.
All board room tables came fitted with top power for charging and HDMI use throughout.
Personal work pods fitted with light and power was provided on both floors including sound proof telephone booths for staff use.
The reception counter was supplied by us to complement the back drop built in house.
The fit out on both floors was due to take 9 days to complete however due to complications with the fit out we found ourselves working alongside the fit-out company to hit the staff move in target.
This can and does happen quite often so the challenge was not new to us and we made their dead line allowing their staff to move into offices we are proud to have made look and feel the way they do.